Thursday, 7 June 2012

azi am inteles!

Oau, sunt happy, scriu dintr-o suflare:

de mult tot zice Carlos L'Abbate  la yogilates sa lasam gandurile. To silence the mind, to leave unnnecessary thoughts, you know.. dinastea.
Nu-i usor de patruns. Parca intelegi dar totusi deloc.
Cum adica 'to silence the mind'?? Pai mintea, inteligenta, imaginatia, dorintele, planurile, cautarea solutiilor, amintirile, analizarile... multe avem de macinat acolo la etaj, cum sa oprim moara, si mai ales dece Carlos, dece?? Parca n-ar fi normal, e impotriva firii, a naturii si mai ales a logicii
(oricum de-o vreme-ncoace logica si rationalismele ma fac sa casc de plictiseala big time)

Ei bine, azi am inteles umpic din taina asta mare.
A zis Carlos asa: griji/probleme avem cu totii, har domnului, din belsug. Financiare, de cariera, de sanatate, in dragoste, cu copii, cu casa, etc etc etc. Ideea e ca fericirea ta, 'your wellbeing' sa nu depinda de realizarea lor. pentru ca lista nu se va termina niciodata, pentru ca pana la marile realizari ne trece viata, si pentru ca 99% din gandurile pe care le derulam incontinuu sunt fara rost.
Suna total absurd, dar e clar ca e asa :)

If you want to lose 10 kilos weight it's very good. do your best to loose 10 kilos weight.
But don't let your wellbeing be affected by the way you look today. How you are right now is just how you are, and that's perfect, it's exactly where you have to be, and you can live this day in happiness untill the change comes true. Don't just wait for other things, LIVE. The moment you have to choose between a candy and an apple, that's the  moment you can act for the change, so make sure you choose the apple.

But if you happened to choose the candy,
enjoy it :)

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