Thursday, 9 September 2010

Placebo how

Documentar (2 parti) cu touringul lor de 2 ani 2009-2010 cu ultimul album, battle for the sun
concerte cu public de 60.000 de oameni.. pfff

se pare ca trupele nu fac ture tot timpul. pleaca in turneu pe o durata anume, 1 an, 2 ani.. si se pare ca e cea mai grea si cea mai faina perioada a carierei/muncii/distractiei/pasiunii lor
"it feels soo goood, and it reminds you why you do what you do" /Steve

(on the stage) it is "the more flamboyant aspect of myself.. in a context where he's allowed to run absolutely free" /special words ballet of who else than magnificent Bryan Molko

a b s o l u t e l y f r e e

absolutely free . .

ab so lute ly free?
is there such a context? is there any place where one can run out absolutely free?
I doubt that
and most of us don't evan realyse that, don't miss that, ever
only art gives you that freedom
if and when you are ready to assume the consequences, cause expressing the absolute depthness of human states, up to the boiling levels, and to the surreal levels, and the sublime levels.. it always gets you mortified first
and then soemtimes glorified

"it's something too precious to be fucked with, really" /Stefan Olsdal

placebo feeling

and there's a very smooth moment with them, in private acoustic Tokyo session

1 comment:

sultana said...

daca nu l-ai vazut deja, iti recomand si meeting people is easy
desi e vechi de 13-14 ani, e hipnotic de-a dreptul
fantastica lume, dar nu cred ca as putea sa traiesc in ritmul (stilul, halul) asta